Global map > Innovations > Western Europe > Switzerland > Zurich > Nezasa
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Nezasa makes the planning and booking of premium travel packages easier than ever before. Our platform allows a travel agent to sell more attractively, more competitively and more efficiently. On Nezasa, you can choose among a set of suggested travel routes put together by destination experts. Based on these suggestions, you can start adjusting the itinerary to your personal needs by changing the duration of stays, choosing a different hotel, adding or removing activities, or adjusting transfer options. The Nezasa system makes sure that the itinerary always makes sense and prevents the user from putting together schedules that won't be feasible in practice. All the changes are instantly priced and all processes are highly automated. Our main customers travel agents, to whom we provide a tool that makes it much cheaper and more efficient for them to sell tailor-made itineraries. Additionally, our platform is also B2C-capable, which gives us full omni-channel capabilities.
Rankings by SemRush
National Ranking
in Switzerland
Regional Ranking
in Western Europe
Global Ranking
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