Global map > Innovations > Western Europe > United Kingdom > Liverpool > Think Hostel
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This service website offers visitors a one stop shop for solving their problem when finding where to eat, sleep, tour, club and get social with other travellers in the same city hub. Visitors of the current everton hostel book on etc as a main source for booking a hostel but have to use various sites to book tours or go direct and find out where to eat and even get tips on where to go out based on music type, this site and app will fill that void plus give social apps a new edge in not knowing a person and viewing who is in your hub location and messaging them as a point of introduction from hostel restaurant tour just visited to where the visitor is heading next. The social segment will help travellers find a travel buddy and use beyond for even dating etc. These platforms enable greater marketing from on page ranking for companies working with the site to affiliate on page or via app to sell spots and how many impressions they will receive.
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