Глобальная карта > Инновации > North America and Caribbean > United States > Palo Alto > TIBCO Software
TIBCO Software icon
TIBCO's research summarizes current modeling, simulation and analytics work around the WW COVID-19 outbreak from a data science and visual analytics perspective. It also examines best practices and effects of preventive measures across different regions as ways to “flatten the curve” and enable the outbreaks to be managed with available healthcare resources. The analyses are presented using Spotfire visual analytics in a hosted environment. The analyses refresh hourly, depending on availability of data sources. Spotfire apps and code will be made available for download. Links to various trusted data sources are provided. Collaboration is encouraged and Spotfire will be available for use by those who don’t have it. TIBCO customers who are struggling with data and analytics issues around COVID-19 effects can contact the authors for more information and assistance.
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